Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Rapes, Robberies, even Murder at Occupy Wall Street?

Many reports circulating the Internet are coming out about Rapes, Robberies and even the possibility of a murder occurring at the different "occupations".  According to this video,  a woman claims she was raped and is asking that the protests be shut down.  According to this article,
  • A 14-year-old runaway was allegedly sexually assaulted at Occupy Dallas.
  • A 19-year-old student activist was allegedly raped at Occupy Cleveland.
  • A man was arrested on charges of indecent exposure to children at Occupy Seattle.
  • A female reporter was threatened by activists at Occupy Oakland.

Many more reports keep coming out.  According to this article,
Fights are erupting among Occupy Wall Street protesters, so much so that one corner of Zuccotti Park has emerged where protesters say they won't go for fear of their safety, the New York Daily News is reporting.
According to this article,  "Police say a man has been found dead inside his tent at a protest at a park in downtown Oklahoma City. Fellow protest participant Mark Faulk says the man was in his early 30s and was homeless."

It is time to shut down the "occupiers" from camping out.  They can protest during the day.  It is time for the Governors to step up and protect their states.  They need to do their jobs and do what is best for their state and their constituents.  According to this article,  in NYC shootings have risen by 28%.
Four high-ranking cops point the finger at Occupy Wall Street protesters, saying their rallies pull special crime-fighting units away from the hot zones where they’re needed.
 Police have spent more than $3 million so far dealing with OWS. Pulling those cops from their high crime areas has also resulted in a spike in violent crime.
When you look at the list of those that are involved with the protesters, it gives cause for concern.  You can see the list here.

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