Six days, ago a tornado came though our little town. That experience has taught me a few things and reminded me of some things as well. It was amazing to see the response from the power company, phone company, cable company, etc. Why was this amazing to me? We live in a very rural area and the response time, is well, a little slow to react.
The response from our volunteer First Responders, Firefighters, and Police, as well as those that came in from another county was spectacular. People were not left wondering in the streets for long, before help arrived.
It has been amazing to hear and see all the caring, love, and support that was almost immediate. Small children even helped. It reminded me of when I was a child. Everyone pulled together in times of need. It didn't matter who you were, when you needed help, or what kind of help. Someone was always there. Nowadays, most of us don't know even what our neighbors look like, much less know them. To me that is sad.
Something we all need to remember, is that, when we hear something terrible happens to someone else, it can happen to us. All of us need a little help once in a while. It is never easy to go it alone.
In the little town that I live in, we depend on each other. When an emergency happens, we pull together. We should be like that all the time. Not just in cases of disasters. So be kind to each other and be kind to strangers. Not everyone is bad or evil. Those people do exist, and we should always be careful.
This is a great country. We should never forget that. Nor should we forget how we got to be a great country. Let's not take advantage of what others have fought and died for in order for us to enjoy our lives today. The fight for our country is a great thing to fight for. The fight should never end.