Sunday, July 31, 2011

My thoughts for today

I can't help but think of my ancestors at this time.  My ancestors came to this country in the 1600's and have fought in every war and conflict this country has had.  They fought the British to keep Britain from controlling their lives.  They fought and died for their freedoms and the freedoms of future generations.

They had hard lives.  They never would have dreamed that we would have all the comforts that we have.  I believe that they would be proud that they helped us achieve the success and the comforts we have today.  I also believe they would be very disappointed in what we have allowed our country to get into the shape it is in today.

How did we get here?  We got here by allowing our government to have the control that they have today.  To put it bluntly, we got lazy.  We have not paid attention to what has happened for decades.  Now we see our freedoms slipping away and some people are fighting for our freedoms and for the freedoms of future generations.

My ancestors didn't have the government to rely on, nor did they want the help of our government.  They had pride in being able to provide, even though it was difficult, for their families.  Why don't we have pride in taking care of ourselves?  Why do we expect the government to take care of us?  Our Constitution was not designed for our government to take care of us, but, made it possible for us to take care of ourselves.

We need to step back and see what is important to us.  Do we want to be able to rely on ourselves, or do we want to depend on our government?  Do we want to be able to take care of our own futures, or do we want our government taking care of our future?

As I have watched the debates and listened to the news, it has become very apparent to me that the government isn't capable of taking care of itself, much less us.  If they "tax the rich" what would that mean?  Let's look at this for a moment.  The "rich" would have less money to invest in their businesses, which would mean less employment and higher prices.  The "rich" have worked hard for "their" money, why shouldn't they keep it.  After all, they do provide jobs.  Why are we jealous of the "rich"?  Could it be, that they made it and we didn't?  We all have the same possibilities they had to make our own money and keep what we earn.  Why shouldn't the rich?  They do provide jobs and they contribute to good causes.

I have no intention on letting the government take care of me or my family.  We are preparing for the worst, but, hoping for the best.  If prices go up and taxes increases, then we are prepared for it.  If money gets too tight and we can't afford certain things, we will be able to keep our home and food on the table.  Are you?

We have the best

We have the best "Children" running our government money can buy.  We hear our Politicians talk about us not having confidence in them.  Wonder why?  They act like children and they don't tell us the truth.

I heard Harry Reid talk about the Republicans trying to filibuster his plan:

The thing is, he is not telling the truth.  The same night the Senate "tabled" the  Boehner bill, Mitch McConnell wanted to hold the vote on Harry Reid's bill.
Our politicians wonder why we have no confidence in them.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Cut, Cap & Balance

I've been watching the debates in the House and the Senate.  I have listened to the news.  The arguments that the Democrats are making is that what the Republicans want to "kill" the seniors and those less fortunate, not to mention the Democrats want to tax the "wealthy" more.  That "they should pay their fair share".

I researched the "Cut, Cap, and Balance" bill H. R. 2560 and it specifically states:

‘‘(b) EXEMPT FROM DIRECT SPENDING LIMITS.— Direct spending for the following functions is exempt from the limits specified in subsection (c): ‘‘(1) Social Security, function 650. ‘‘(2) Medicare, function 570. ‘‘(3) Veterans Benefits and Services, function 700. ‘‘(4) Net Interest, function 900."

‘‘(B) Section 255 of the Balanced Budget and Control Act of 1985 shall not apply to this section, except that payments for military personnel accounts (within subfunctional category 051), TRICARE for Life, Medicare (functional category 570), military retirement, Social Security (functional category 650), veterans (functional category 700), net interest (functional category 900), and discretionary appropriations shall be exempt."

‘‘(d) EXEMPT PROGRAMS.—Section 255 of the Balanced Budget and Control Act of 1985 shall not apply to this section, except that payments for military personnel accounts (within subfunctional category 051), TRICARE for Life, Medicare (functional category 570), military retirement, Social Security (functional category 650), veterans (functional category 700), and net interest (functional category 900) shall be exempt."

What the Democrats don't like is:
"requires that tax increases be approved by a two-thirds vote in both Houses of Congress for their ratification."

Now WHO is trying to "kill" the seniors and those less fortunate?

President being a bully

It's bad enough for the President to threaten senior citizens and veterans that they may not get their money, when there is enough money to pay out those payments.  But, when the president resorts to bullying, I think that it shows his desperation.  When was it okay for a President to bully politicians to get what he wants?  What kind of country are we?

Not only does he asks for citizens to Tweet their Congress, but, he sends out the "handles" on every GOP Congress members.  Why not the "handles" for the Democrats?  Could it be that Obama is afraid that the citizens would Tweet the Democrats as well and pressure them to vote against Harry Reid?

Friday, July 29, 2011

You're not alone

I couldn't have said it any better.

Debt ceiling talks

I don't think the Democrats get it. It is only fair that BOTH plans should be considered and debated.  Harry Reid and his "Goons" had their chance to get this done when they had complete control.  Why didn't they?  I think it is well past time that these "so-called" adults grow up.

Reid: Boehner's Short-Term Plan Will Be Defeated

 And then I remembered this:

Republican Whip Eric Cantor Speaks On Health Care Reform 


Thursday, July 28, 2011

Some thoughts on the debt

I think it is interesting that when the Democrats had control of the Congress, Senate, and the Presidency, they would NOT allow the Republicans at the table on ANYTHING they did.  Why didn't the Democrats pass the budget when they had control of everything?  Why are they fighting the Republicans tooth and nail on passing the budget plan?  Could it be that the Democrats are hoping that the Republicans will fail and that the Democrats will pass what they want at the last minute so they can be our "Knights in Shining Armour"?  All this political game playing on both sides won't work in the end.

Out of curiosity today, I wanted to see just how Big our Government is, and my jaw dropped.

Harry Reid 'The Radical Extremist Right Wing

I couldn't help but think about the "Progressives" and the "Liberals" while Harry Reid was talking about the Tea Party. The Tea Party consists of Republicans, Democrats, and Independents who just want our politicians to cut spending. The Tea Party has never been "Radical" or "Violent" nor should they be.
I don't understand why Politicians refuse to understand that THEY work for US. It clearly states in the Constitution, "WE THE PEOPLE".
With all the distractions that we have today, we have lost our way. WE THE PEOPLE, need to fight, with non-violence to retake our country. WE THE PEOPLE need to be more involved with Politics and vote for the one who has the same beliefs as we do. WE THE PEOPLE need to protect our children's future by being educated and educating our children. We need to pay closer attention to what is happening to our country and how we got here. We need to teach our children how to fight with non-violence to regain our rights under OUR Constitution.