Thursday, July 28, 2011

Harry Reid 'The Radical Extremist Right Wing

I couldn't help but think about the "Progressives" and the "Liberals" while Harry Reid was talking about the Tea Party. The Tea Party consists of Republicans, Democrats, and Independents who just want our politicians to cut spending. The Tea Party has never been "Radical" or "Violent" nor should they be.
I don't understand why Politicians refuse to understand that THEY work for US. It clearly states in the Constitution, "WE THE PEOPLE".
With all the distractions that we have today, we have lost our way. WE THE PEOPLE, need to fight, with non-violence to retake our country. WE THE PEOPLE need to be more involved with Politics and vote for the one who has the same beliefs as we do. WE THE PEOPLE need to protect our children's future by being educated and educating our children. We need to pay closer attention to what is happening to our country and how we got here. We need to teach our children how to fight with non-violence to regain our rights under OUR Constitution.

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