Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Problems with Social Secuirty

"Man living as an ‘adult baby’ is cleared of Social Security fraud"  Read the story here.  This story is just an example of why I have posted many times about us taking responsibility for ourselves.  This is why we should not rely on the government for anything.  I cannot understand how or why this man deserves SSI.  It is just beyond comprehension.

According to the article:
John Hart, a spokesman for Mr. Coburn, said Tuesday that the senator, who is also a medical doctor, is still puzzled by how “a grown man who is able to design and build adult-sized baby furniture is eligible for disability benefits.”
And, according to this article:
Of the approximately 2.8 million death reports the Social Security Administration receives per year, about 14,000 -- or one in every 200 deaths -- are incorrectly entered into its Death Master File, which contains the Social Security numbers, names, birth dates, death dates, zip codes and last-known residences of more than 87 million deceased Americans. That averages out to 38 life-altering mistakes a day.
This is what happens when the government gets involved and we allow the government to "take care of us".  This is why we have a crisis with Social Security.  This is why we need to be involved in what our government is doing.  This is the reason we need smaller government.  With smaller government WE can control what is happening with OUR tax dollars.  And this is the reason we must take responsibility for ourselves and our families.

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