Saturday, September 1, 2012

What is wrong?

    I haven't written in a while because there is just to much in this world going on.  I can't keep up.  It has just been so overwhelming.  There is just no way one person can make sense of all this mess.

    I have been keeping up with all that has been going on with politics and hoping that we all make the right decision when it comes to election day.  I hope that just because you don't like either candidate that you stay home and not cast your vote.  This election is so critical to everyone.  Not only for the older Americans, but, for the generation that is coming up.  So, I hope that everyone puts their feelings of like or dislike aside and vote for the one who they think will do the best job for the future of our country.

    I have watched how dirty not only the politicians have gotten, but, the news media and social networks.  It made me wonder how we got to the point that if you don't agree with someone's political view then you are a racist, etc.  The name calling and reports of threats is just out of control.

    It made me question, has our government caused this?  Have we caused this? Or, is it a combination of both?  Personally the division we are seeing in this country, I believe is Both.   Some of us were raised to believe in our government and what they told us.  After all, it is their job to look after us.  We were told and we believed.  We did not question.  Maybe we should have.  Maybe we should now.

    Where our country is headed right now is not a good place.  Our freedoms and liberties have been slowly taken away from us for years by both parties.  Now our entire way of life is being threatened.  I have seen so many people being attacked verbally, and sometimes even physically for speaking their opinions.  Why can't we just respect each others opinions and even give them some consideration?  Maybe they are right in their beliefs and maybe we are wrong.  Maybe, there is a place in the middle.  With all the attacks on someone speaking their opinions, what are we teaching our children?  Are we teaching them to be bullies, because someone doesn't agree with their beliefs?

    We are all passionate about our beliefs, but, we should all respect each other and not disrespect someone for their beliefs or their thoughts.  A lot of us have done that, including me, and it really needs to stop.

   When Clint Eastwood spoke at the RNC National Convention and said "I would just like to say something, ladies and gentlemen. Something that I think is very important. It is that, you, we -- we own this country. We -- we own it. It is not you owning it, and not politicians owning it. Politicians are employees of ours."  He was spot on.  I think some of us have forgotten that.

Thursday, March 8, 2012


Six days, ago a tornado came though our little town.  That experience has taught me a few things and reminded me of some things as well.  It was amazing to see the response from the power company, phone company, cable company, etc.    Why was this amazing to me?  We live in a very rural area and the response time, is well, a little slow to react.

The response from our volunteer First Responders, Firefighters, and Police, as well as those that came in from another county was spectacular.  People were not left wondering in the streets for long, before help arrived.

It has been amazing to hear and see all the caring, love, and support that was almost immediate.  Small children even helped.  It reminded me of when I was a child.  Everyone pulled together in times of need.  It didn't matter who you were, when you needed help, or what kind of help.  Someone was always there.  Nowadays, most of us don't know even what our neighbors look like, much less know them.  To me that is sad.

Something we all need to remember, is that, when we hear something terrible happens to someone else, it  can happen to us.  All of us need a little help once in a while.  It is never easy to go it alone.

In the little town that I live in, we depend on each other.  When an emergency happens, we pull together.  We should be like that all the time.  Not just in cases of disasters.  So be kind to each other and be kind to strangers.  Not everyone is bad or evil.  Those people do exist, and we should always be careful.

This is a great country.  We should never forget that.  Nor should we forget how we got to be a great country.  Let's not take advantage of what others have fought and died for in order for us to enjoy our lives today.  The fight for our country is a great thing to fight for.  The fight should never end.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

My idea of a stimulus package

Give every legal American citizen 1 million dollars.  That includes children.  I would exclude anyone making 1 million dollars or more.

What does this accomplish?  Redistribution of wealth?  In a way, yes.  We have paid taxes for years and our parents have paid taxes for years and look at how it has been spent.  In my opinion it would be more like a refund than redistributing wealth.

The benefits.  We would be able to pay off bills, homes, cars, etc., or invest.  That would help the banks with a flood of money. Banks improved.

 Mortgages would be either paid off or reduced drastically.  People who have lost their homes would be able to buy a new home.  Housing market improved.

With the influx of money, more people would be spending and jobs would need to be filled in order to fill the products and needs of those who received the money,  Job problem solved.

People may even want to start their own business.  Capitalism restored.

Why children?  Money could be put up for their college or whatever they need when they reach the age of adulthood.  College tuition paid.

Now with all this, there would be no need for food stamps and welfare.  This would cause these programs to either be eliminated or "tweaked" for those who really need it.  This would also allow Social Security to be fixed.  No one who received this payout would be eligible for any government help for a minimum of 10 years.

Now this would be a one time deal.  All welfare, food stamps, and yes even Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid would stop for a period of at least 10 years.  Why would you need any of these programs if you had 1 million dollars in your hands?  So, you would have to be responsible or deal with the consequences of no government help.

This would be tax free.  How do we pay for it?  All the politicians would contribute.

Monday, February 6, 2012

More control

I should not be surprised by this, but, it amazes me how much the battle for gun control is just outrageous.  Instead of punishing the government officials who were involved in the "Fast and Furious", our politicians just won't give up on trying to get guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens.   In this article: New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg said Sunday the shooting of former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords should have sparked a national dialogue about gun laws.

I am so tired of our politicians blaming everyone but themselves for the mess our country is in.  Yes, we are ALL to blame for this mess.  Our previous politicians have tried to brainwash us into thinking that whatever they do, they do for our "children", our "safety", and for our "best interest".  We sat back and let it all happen.  We have been so busy with ourselves, our children, and even sports to pay attention to what is going on around us as well as what has happened to us in the past.

Our Constitution, our Rights, our freedoms, and our beliefs are being attacked on a daily basis.  For centuries we have fought for our freedoms and our rights.  Now all that is being attacked and our freedoms have slowly been taken away from us as well as our rights.  Why have we allowed this to happen?  Have we forgotten all those men and women who fought and died for us to have what we have today, be for nothing?

I hear on a daily basis "There's nothing we can do about it".  That is just wrong.  Even though we may not be able to, or want to go into battle, but, will allow others to do the work for us, doesn't mean that we can't do anything about it.  We should educate ourselves and get involved with the political process and vote out those that have trampled over our Constitution, our rights, and our freedoms.  It is up to us, and only us, to fix this country.  We can no longer "trust" our government to take care of us. That is how we got here to begin with.  Why should we keep asking the politicians to fix things when they only make matters worse?

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Presidential Candidates

I took some time off to change out my computers and during that time I debated on whether or not to continue to blog.  There is just so much going on with this country and this "President" as well as with all the candidates that are running against Obama.

I have watched sooo many debates and listened carefully to what each candidate had to say.  I have listened to all the accusations and all the candidates pointing fingers at one another.  I have watched the news media swoon over Mitt Romney.

Here is my take on the GOP candidates.  Let's take Ron Paul.  I like Ron Paul.  He is a real Constitutionalist.  He represents the meaning and the ideas of the Constitution and the purpose that it was designed for.

Rick Santorum, I'm not real sure about.  He sounds good and he seems to have a good record and appears to want to do the right thing for the country.  I'm still doing research on him.

Newt Gringrich.  Now, he understands what is happening with this country better than anyone else.  He understands the dangers of George Soros and the teachings of Saul Alinsky.  Both of these are playing a huge role in what is happening with the destruction of our country.

Mitt Romney.  Not only is he responsible for the Romney care in Massachusetts, but, he also has some connection to the teachings of Saul Alinsky.  Mitt Romney's father liked Saul Alinsky and his ideas.  George Soros has also came out and said that there is little difference between Obama and Romney.  He has also flipped flopped more than any other candidate.  He also speaks of being an "Washington Outsider" and believes that is what we need to turn this country around.  Well, wasn't Obama a "Washington Outsider" when he ran for President.  How is that working out for you?

This is one of the most important decisions we have to make in our lifetime.  Not only this election but, the elections to follow if we want to keep our country strong and safe, not only for ourselves, but, for our children and their children.  Instead of all the negative accusations that are being thrown out there on each of the candidates, not only by the candidates themselves, but, the obvious push by the media as to who we should choose for President, we should do our own research and pick the candidate that best suites the needs of our country in order to begin the restoration of our beloved country and our individual rights.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

"Occupiers" out of control?

I'm not surprised with all those involved with the Occupy movement that eventually things could very easily get out of control.  The question is when or has it already?  There are people involved with this movement who have been waiting on this for a long time.  Some want to tear this country apart and put in a new government.  What kind of government is a good question.  Needless to say the government they want will not be good for everyone.

According to this article:
Widely known as Occupy Wall Street, the movement has gained momentum with mass, often violent protests that have paralyzed cities across the nation. In New York more than 150 people were arrested and several police officers suffered injuries. In Oakland California police were forced to use riot gear and tear gas to disperse the huge, violent crowds and in Las Vegas nearly two dozen protesters were arrested.
Leading the campaign is President Obama’s good friend, civil rights lawyer Van Jones, the highly-touted “Green Czar” who was booted amid controversy over his radical history. A Yale Law School grad, Jones became a communist after the 1992 Rodney King riots in Los Angeles and says he loathes capitalism because it exploits nonwhite minorities worldwide. Jones is a committed Marxist-Leninist-Maoist who became a revolutionary after meeting “young radical people of color” in jail and views police officers as the arch enemies of black people.
If that isn't disturbing enough, according to this article:
Not only is Barack Obama‘s terrorist buddy Bill Ayers teaching revolutionary theory at Occupy Chicago… His former terrorist group the Weather Underground has joined up with the #Occupy Oakland movement in California.
It is very disturbing at what the "occupiers" are getting away with.  If this were the "Tea Party", they would all be in jail.  According to this article:  "Occupy Oakland Hosts Gay Porn Movie Shoot". Enough said.

Now according to this article:
Los Angeles officials have offered Occupy L.A. protesters a package of incentives that includes downtown office space and farmland in an attempt to persuade them to abandon their camp outside of City Hall, according to several demonstrators who have been in negotiations with the city.
Now the "Occupiers" are wanting to boycott Black Friday".  Don't they know that this will only hurt the 99% they claim to represent, who have jobs at these businesses.  Do they really think this will hurt the "1 %"?  According to this website:
Below is a shortlist for publicly traded large businesses to Occupy or to boycott on Black Friday. Luckily, most of them don't have good presents anyway. If you want to see the top 100 retail businesses for 2010 to boycott, click here.

Monday, November 21, 2011

The future of our children

Nothing about this government surprises me anymore.  Now Nancy Pelosi wants control of our children.  Is this a big surprise to any of us?  Our government is determined to control every aspect of our lives, including especially our children.

In this article:
“One of the great pieces of unfinished business is high-quality child care; I wonder why we just can’t do that,’’ Pelosi said. Her spokesman Drew Hammill said later that she doesn’t have a specific child-care proposal at the ready; that’s what the legislative process is for. But the Nixon-era legislation of which she spoke approvingly subsidized child care for low-income parents and was available to anyone who wanted to pay for it. “She sees this as the next big problem to tackle,’’ Hammill said.
What about our schools?  According to this article:
On a mission to narrow the academic achievement gap between minorities and whites, the Obama Administration has ordered the nation’s second-largest public school district to cut back on disciplining black students and develop a special curriculum for those who don’t speak English.
In this article:
Students, tests and cash were the perfect variables to fatten high school math teacher Jeff Spires’ wallet, officials said, but administrators pulled the plug on him after several students brought his alleged pay-for-grades scheme to their attention.
And in this article:
A student at Western Nevada College has filed a sexual harassment claim against the school, citing her experiences in Tom Kubistant’s Human Sexuality class. The student, Karen Royce, alleged that Kubistant instructed students to masturbate twice as often and keep detailed accounts of their sexual lives. According to The Arizona Republic:
Now in this article:
The Obama administration dedicated at least $18 million to convince Kenyans to ratify the new constitution, which expanded women’s legal right to an abortion.  Although a 1981 law known as the Siljander Amendment specifically states “none of the funds made available under this Act may be used to lobby for or against abortion,” one recipient of U.S. aid pressed the issue anyway.
Now, the way I see it, if the government got out of the way and took less of our money that we work so hard for and let us keep it, we would have the time to look at these things and stop it before it happens.  Our government always uses our children as a tool to get what they want and then this is how they "help the children".  Parents need to be as active as possilbe in what the schools are teaching our children.  What will be next?  Take our children away right after birth?