Sunday, February 5, 2012

Presidential Candidates

I took some time off to change out my computers and during that time I debated on whether or not to continue to blog.  There is just so much going on with this country and this "President" as well as with all the candidates that are running against Obama.

I have watched sooo many debates and listened carefully to what each candidate had to say.  I have listened to all the accusations and all the candidates pointing fingers at one another.  I have watched the news media swoon over Mitt Romney.

Here is my take on the GOP candidates.  Let's take Ron Paul.  I like Ron Paul.  He is a real Constitutionalist.  He represents the meaning and the ideas of the Constitution and the purpose that it was designed for.

Rick Santorum, I'm not real sure about.  He sounds good and he seems to have a good record and appears to want to do the right thing for the country.  I'm still doing research on him.

Newt Gringrich.  Now, he understands what is happening with this country better than anyone else.  He understands the dangers of George Soros and the teachings of Saul Alinsky.  Both of these are playing a huge role in what is happening with the destruction of our country.

Mitt Romney.  Not only is he responsible for the Romney care in Massachusetts, but, he also has some connection to the teachings of Saul Alinsky.  Mitt Romney's father liked Saul Alinsky and his ideas.  George Soros has also came out and said that there is little difference between Obama and Romney.  He has also flipped flopped more than any other candidate.  He also speaks of being an "Washington Outsider" and believes that is what we need to turn this country around.  Well, wasn't Obama a "Washington Outsider" when he ran for President.  How is that working out for you?

This is one of the most important decisions we have to make in our lifetime.  Not only this election but, the elections to follow if we want to keep our country strong and safe, not only for ourselves, but, for our children and their children.  Instead of all the negative accusations that are being thrown out there on each of the candidates, not only by the candidates themselves, but, the obvious push by the media as to who we should choose for President, we should do our own research and pick the candidate that best suites the needs of our country in order to begin the restoration of our beloved country and our individual rights.

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