Friday, September 30, 2011

Occupy Wall Street update

As I watched the live stream yesterday, which was in and out all day, I saw several people come in and speak to the crowds.  It raises a great deal of concern.

Dr. Cornel West, who is "Popular Marxist intellectual; describes himself as a “prophet”, Highly paid campus speaker and professor at Princeton,  Friend of Louis Farrakhan,  Political advisor to Al Sharpton, Views America as a nation thoroughly infested with white racism"  Read more here.  You can watch his interview with CNN while at "Occupy Wall Street" here.

Francis Fox Piven, which I have written about before, also spoke.  To refresh memory of who she is:  "Co-creator of the so-called Cloward-Piven Strategy,  Seeks to foment economic crises, which can then be exploited for purposes of transformational social change,  Has been a guest speaker at numerous Socialist Scholars Conferences,  Admirer of Karl Marx, Views violent rioting as an effective and desirable means of agitating for social change"  Read more about her here.  See the video of her speech to the protestors here.

Now these two are not a good combination.  When people that are Marxist, Socialist, and Communist are coming to support a group of protesters, this presents a problem for the rest of us.  Question is, with all these groups coming together, how will this end.  It is my opinion it won't be good if they continue.

Then you have Van Jones. Who,  "Became a Communist in the aftermath of the 1992 "Rodney King riots" in Los Angeles,  Founded the Ella Baker Center for Human Rights in 1996,  Was active in the anti-Iraq War demonstrations organized by International ANSWER,  Served as a board member of the Rainforest Action Network and Free Press,  In March 2009, President Barack Obama named Jones to be his so-called “Green Jobs Czar.”,  Resigned in early September 2009"  Read more on Van Jones here.

As I have said before and I will say again, educate yourself on these people and what is going on in this country.  If we leave it up to people like Van Jones, Cornel West, and Francis Fox Piven, those of us who believe in the Constitution, which is being destroyed daily, will have a New Constitution that will take away many of our rights and opportunities.

The events that are happening on Wall Street is spreading.  We need to prepare ourselves for what may come and pray for it not to erupt into an "Arab Spring" here in this country.  The elections next year are critical to our future.  Educate yourself on the canidates and VOTE for the one you feel is best for our country.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Occupy Wall Street

Last night as I watched the live stream, Michael Moore, the liberal documentary filmmaker, dropped by to speak with the protesters.  I found it interesting that the protesters claim to be the 99% (those that aren't "rich"), but, yet they cheered for Michael Moore.  He IS part of the 1%.  Michael Moore is against Capitalism, but, yet he made his money because of Capitalism.

Today as I watched the protesters, it became really interesting on who stopped by to support them.  Susan Sarandon, the actress,  is also one of the 1%,  Again they cheered.  "Sarandon was a member and financial supporter of Not In Our Name (NION), the Revolutionary Communist Party-led project whose "Statement of Conscience" condemned not only the Bush administration's "stark new measures of repression," but also its "unjust, immoral, illegitimate, [and] openly imperial policy towards the world." According to NION, it was the American government -- and not that of any other nation -- which posed the most "grave dangers to the people of the world."

Sarandon was also an endorser of World Can't Wait (WCW), the Revolutionary Communist Party-led group that sought to organize "people living in the United States to take responsibility to stop the whole disastrous course led by the Bush administration." Other celebrity endorsers of WCW included Harry BelafonteGloria Steinem, Martin Sheen, Jane Fonda, Gore Vidal, Sean Penn, and Howard Zinn."  Find out more here.

Today members of the protesters were interviewed by Amy Goodman.  "Amy Goodman is co-host of Democracy Now!, a weekday newscast that can be heard on more than 225 radio stations in the U.S. and Canada and on the shortwave station Radio for Peace International."

"Goodman is a hardcore radical who detests both of the established major U.S. political parties. She perceives the politicians of both parties, as well as the dominant liberal media, as corrupted and controlled by a corporate ruling class, and from this perspective attacks them all (albeit from a place on the political spectrum much closer to leftwing Democrats than to Republicans). Because she commonly condemns the allegedly hidden capitalist conspiracies that rule Americans, Goodman is a very attractive figure to the far left."  Find out more here.

I think I am pretty sure what all this "support" is all about.  I think things are going to be getting more and more interesting each day.  It will be interesting to see who shows up next.  What other 1% will show up?

Michael Moore, Susan Sarandon, and Amy Goodman all have this great country to thank for what they have accomplished.  They are the 1% that these protesters are against.  I get it.  I have little doubt on how this is going to turn out.  These events, like Occupy Wall Street are beginning to pop up all over our country.  It is already happening in Chicago.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Thoughts on the Day of Rage

I've been watching the live feed, for several days trying to figure out exactly what they stand for.  I read many of the comments on chat and the post that people made about "revolution" was "corrected" by the moderators.  The moderators would say that this is not a Revolution.  I think that is interesting considering their live feed is called "Global Revolution".

On Saturday, the protesters had clashes with the Police and reportedly, there was over 80 arrests made.  With the people that are involved with "Occupy Wall Street", calling for help from the Unions, and yesterday they interviewed a person from "Code Pink", I feel like their fight is not going to turn out the way they want it.

It is my opinion that they have not done their homework well enough.  With "Code Pink" involved, which is a leftest group, it makes me feel more and more as though the protestors don't really realize what they have gotten themselves into.  Code Pink does not have a peaceful reputation.  If the Unions get involved, with their reputation of violence, things will not turn out well.  The protestors have said they wanted a "peaceful protest". Don't they know what will happen with Code Pink and the Unions involvement?

I don't know if the protestors have thought things out.  What type of system do they hope to have by doing the protests?  Have they really thought this out?  As I have been told many, many times in my life, "Be careful what you wish for."

I heard a protestor ask where the Tea Partiers are.  It is real simple.  The Tea Party is not a Left movement.  They know what they want, they did their research.  Many of the Tea Party members know what the outcome would be if the Constitution was honored, as it should be.  They know what it would be like if the government were smaller and not involved with our every day life.  Many of the Tea Party members know what common sense is and they know how to apply it.   Most know their history.

Unfortunately, some of what these protesters want, means more government involvement, not less.  They say they want their rights and freedoms restored, but, with single payer insurance, for example, this means more government involvement.  They will have less rights and less freedoms.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Obama's love for the Unions

I have written before about the connection between Obama and the Unions.  I am sure there are some good things that come out of being a member of the Union, and I am sure that some Union members are decent people.  I want to take a closer look at the Unions.  Let's take a look at how Obama is putting the Unions ahead of the non-union workers.

According to this article, "I’m sure there are sophisticated arguments for why the UAW members shouldn’t pay back the taxpayers who bailed their employer out of bankruptcy before they negotiate a deal that gives them each a $5,000 bonus. I just can’t think of them right now."
According to this article, "Most city workers spend decades in public service to build up modest pensions. But for former labor leader Dennis Gannon, the keys to securing a public pension were one day on the city payroll and some help from the Daley administration.

And his city pension is more than modest. It's the highest of any retired union leader: $158,000. That's roughly five times greater than what the typical retired city worker receives.

In fact, his pension is so high that it exceeds federal limits and required the city pension fund to file special paperwork with the Internal Revenue Service to give it to him."

According to this article, "Collective bargaining agreements with seven labor organizations require the city to pay union officers and provide members with thousands of additional hours to conduct union business instead of doing their government jobs.

The total cost to Phoenix taxpayers is about $3.7 million per year, based on payroll records supplied by the city. In all, more than 73,000 hours of annual release time for city workers to conduct union business at taxpayers’ expense are permitted in the agreements."

Lastly, according to this article, "Taxpayers across the nation are spending millions of dollars to pay the salaries and benefits of government employees to work exclusively for labor unions, an investigation by the Arizona-based Goldwater Institute has found.

The practice is called “official time” in federal law, or “release” time in local labor agreements reviewed by the Institute. At the federal level, it cost taxpayers more than $129 million in 2009, the last year for which figures are available, according to a report from the U.S. Office of Personnel Management."

Now personally, if I were a Union member, I would not like my money going into the Union Bosses pockets.  The Unions are suppose to help workers, not to fatten their wallets.  I have to wonder if the Union members realize that every time they get a better "contract" for their work that not only do the non - union member have to pay for it, but, so do they.  Every time the Unions negotiate a contract, the new benefits they receive, they are paying for it as well as everyone else.  It just doesn't make sense to me, that union members have to pay more out in taxes or whatever the government wants to call it, in order for them to have better pay or benefits.  Is it really worth it, when you see the bosses of the Unions making as much money as they are and everyone is paying their salaries?

Thursday, September 22, 2011


More and more stories are coming out, almost daily, about "investments" that Obama made on behalf of the American people.  As more and more comes to light, it shows that Obama has not left the Chicago style politics behind.

Solyndra, a solar panel company has many ties with Obama.  According to this article, posted by the Daily Caller back in September 2011,  "Tulsa billionaire George Kaiser, a key Obama backer who raised between $50,000 and $100,000 for the president’s election campaign, is one of Solyndra’s primary investors. Kaiser himself donated $53,500 to Obama’s 2008 election campaign, split between the DSCC and Obama For America. Kaiser also made several visits to the White House and appeared at some White House events next to Obama officials.
Campaign finance records show Kaiser and Solyndra executives and board members donated $87,050 total to Obama’s election campaign."

According to this article,  Solyndra received more tax dollars than 35 states for "shovel ready" jobs.

According to this article, "The Obama administration restructured a half-billion dollar federal loan to a troubled solar energy company in such a way that private investors — including a fundraiser for President Barack Obama — moved ahead of taxpayers for repayment in case of a default, government records show."  What a way to thank the taxpayers.

Now that Solyndra is under investigation not only by the FBI, but also a Congressional Committee, Solyndra, after promising to testify at the hearing has now invoked their Fifth Amendment right.  Which they have a right to do.  Question is, what are they hiding?  Who will be implicated?  Does the corruption go all the way to the top?

Now we have Lightsquared.  Remember Obama wanted to bring Broadband to everyone.  Well folks, looks like he had Lightsquared in mind for this project.  According to this article, "LightSquared is owned by the Harbinger Capital hedge fund, headed by billionaire investor Phil Falcone. He visited the White House and made large donations to the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee. Soon after, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) granted LightSquared a highly unusual waiver that allows the company to build out a national 4G wireless network on the cheap."

There are reports of pressure being applied to top officials to testify in a good light for Lightsquared.  According to this article,  "Gen. William Shelton, head of the Air Force Space Command, told House members in a classified briefing earlier this month that he was pressured to change prepared congressional testimony in a way that would favor a large company funded by Philip Falcone, a major Democratic donor, congressional sources told Fox News"

According to this article,  "Anthony Russo, director of the National Coordination Office for Space-Based Positioning, Navigation, and Timing, told The Daily Beast he rejected “guidance” from the White House’s Office of Budget and Management suggesting he tell Congress that the government’s concerns about the project by the firm LightSquared could be resolved in 90 days, a timetable favorable to the company’s plans."

To make matters worse, according to this article, "As Republican lawmakers begin to dig into the White House's cozy relationship with a startup wireless company and the wealthy Democratic donor who owns it, a new character has appeared on the story's edges: liberal superdonor, conservative bete noire and controversial investor George Soros.
Soros reportedly invested in the telecom company LightSquared through a hedge fund, and many of the nonprofits he finances have backed LightSquared in regulatory and policy disputes."

Keep in mind that George Soros wants a "New World Order". 


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Day of Rage latest update

I find it interesting that it is extremely hard to find details on the Day of Rage.  Yesterday, the "live feed" was down most of the day, but, reports, according to tweets were there were several arrests. 

According to tweets today, there was suppose to be a meeting between the protesters and the Teamsters.  Now, this is not a good thing.  As I have posted before, the teamsters are looking for a fight.  It will be interesting to see what happens.

The live feed is somewhat working today.  According to what I have seen, there is heavy police presence.  It amazes me how the live feeds work whenever someone get arrested.  Of course, let's not forget about people going around yelling "Police Brutallity".  I am not there, so, I don't know if there is or not.  The video do not show any.  That's not to say that it isn't happening.

According to the New York Observer, "Yesterday saw seven more arrests, which is more than the compiled total of the previous days. Neither was it all calm and peaceful protests, either: According to website Death and Taxes, the NYPD are being accused of using “excessive force” in tearing down the tents the groups were using to stay out of the rain."  You can read more and see video here.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Guns and religion

Back in 2008, Obama made the comment "they cling to guns or religion".  See the video here.  No one is surprised at the attacks on religion. It has been going on since before Obama took office.  I remember having bible classes and/or bible readings at peoples homes many times.  Now the attacks on religion are coming into our homes.  According to this article, "The City of San Juan Capistrano, California is demanding that a Christian couple purchase a permit to hold a Bible study group in their home. They’ve already been fined"

Most of us know that our Constitution is slowing but surely being shredded.  Everyone has a God given right to worship in their home without government interference.  There is a constant battle with the ACLU whenever it comes to Christianity.  They constantly fight with the excuse of "separation of church and state."  Our government is so out of touch and out of control.  All they seem to see is getting more money out of us so they can spend more on what they want.

Now, also in California, "On Gov. Jerry Brown's desk is a bid to bar Californians from openly carrying firearms, legislation that could open a new front in the state's decades-old gun control debate.
The measure, aimed at an increasingly popular tactic used by 2nd Amendment activists, would make California the first state since 1987 to outlaw the controversial practice of publicly displaying a weapon."  Read the article here.

According to the Second Amendment of our Constitution it states: " A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."  Our right to bear Arms has been under attack for many years.  Our government does not want us to have guns, so they can control us and our country better.  With all the cuts that are being made by many States, police protection is being considered or has already been cut.  With this in mind, WE THE PEOPLE have the right to protect ourselves, our homes, and our property.

Yes, I will cling to my bible, for it gives me comfort and guidance.  I will cling to my gun in order to protect my family, myself, and my property.  I do not trust our government whether it be local or Federal to guide and comfort me.  I do not trust our government to protect my family, myself, or my property.  Nor do I want our government to interfere with my life, especially in my own home.

I am a responsible adult, like many other adults.  I know right from wrong.  I was raised to respect others and to make the right decisions for myself.  I am insulted every time our government think they know better than I do what I need, where I need it, when I need it, and how I need it.  I am insulted that our government think we are incompetent to make our own decisions.  I am insulted when our government think we don't know right from wrong.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

U. S. Day of Rage reports

Since I have heard very little about this I thought I would post some articles I found that shows what is happening with the Day of Rage in NY.

I am grateful that so far all the protests have been peaceful, even though I do not agree with Socialism, Communism, or anything else these people stand for.  I hope and pray that as long as they protest, which they have a right to do, remains peaceful. 

I found it very interesting that the first video you see, is someone who has no clue what she wants.  Watch the videos here.

CNNs report on the Day of Rage protest.

ABC's report on the Day of Rage.

If you would like to watch more videos click here.

At least with the Tea Party members they know what they want.  I can't say the same for these people.  It may sound good, but, when you get down to the nitty gritty of what most want, it is scary.  People want to blame Wall Street and big Corporations for the problems they have.  We all have the opportunity to provide a good living for ourselves and our families, if the government would just get out of our way.  I'm not saying that greed doesn't play a part in the wealthy getting wealthier, but, doesn't it also play in our lives as well?

If the government would stop all these regulations that it imposes on us, our country could be great again.  But, the government can't seem to understand that every time a regulation is imposed it costs all of us.  When businesses have to put those regulations in place, prices go up.  When farmers have to be careful about the amount of "dust" they create while farming, it makes me wonder how much longer the farmers will continue to farm.  Without our farmers, we will all suffer.

Friday, September 16, 2011

U. S. Day of Rage

Chatter on the Internet is about a Day of Rage set to begin tomorrow.  I have written about this before.  I hope and pray that nothing happens, but, if it does, my family and I are prepared.  I hope you are as well. 

According to the website, protests are scheduled for all across the U. S.   When you put the pieces to the puzzle together it all comes to focus.  According to Saul Alinsky's book Rules for Radicals, he continuely writes about agitating the "Have-nots".  He writes about getting the "Have-nots" riled up to the point of revolution.  He writes: "They must feel so frustrated, so defeated, so lost, so future less in the prevailing system that they are willing to let go of the past and chance the future."  Does this sound familiar?  The number of unemployed, the number of those on welfare and food stamps, the unknown as to when jobs will return.  All this is fuel for the revolution that is being called for.  This is also the strategy of Cloward and Piven on "overwhelming the system".

When you have the AFL-CIO Richard Trumka making post on his webiste that makes comments like: "Just 10 years after 9/11, despite our vows, the public servants, construction workers and others who lost their lives or still suffer with the cancerous remnants of the Twin Towers haven’t just been forgotten. They’ve been vilified. The extremist small government posse has turned them into public enemy No. 1, as though teachers and firefighters, EMTs and nurses and union construction workers ruined America’s economy."  Notice the comment "The extremist small government."

He goes on to write, "Wealthy CEOs, anti-government extremist front groups and frothing talk show hosts—from the Rush Limbaughs and Glenn Becks to the Koch brothers, Karl Rove’s American Crossroads group, Americans for Prosperity, the Club for Growth, FreedomWorks and the American Legislative Exchange Council—also pushed open the door to hate."  Notice the ones listed speak out against the "big government".  I have never heard or read where any one of these promote hate.

He goes on the say, "Brothers and sisters, friends, I hope you will join me in marking this solemn anniversary by committing to redouble your activism on behalf of America’s everyday working heroes. We will rise or fall together."  Read his statement here.

I have posted links to videos showing how the Black Panthers are rising up, preparing for a fight and promoting hate towards whites.  Now this video comes to light.  On August 13, 2011 the Black Panthers President Malik Zulu Shabazz , tells a Harlem audience  "Our enemies are right here in the United States of America." "Our battle is police brutality, budget cuts, racism and white supremecy."  "Failure to pay Reperations, failure to compensate us for the robbery of Africa, murder of hundreds of millions of blacks here in the west and abroad. "  "We elected you, but, we did not elect you to bomb your homeland.  We did not elect you to bomb Africa."  " We have to fight.  Gird up your loins.  The hour of war is at hand."  Watch the video here.

You be the judge.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Reflections .... 10 years later

Like so many Americans today, I remember where and what I was doing at the time the news broke of the attacks on our country. As like many of us, I sat in disbelief of what was happening. I stared at the TV in shock and felt sick to my stomach. Even though, I have never been to NY nor did I know of anyone who lived or worked in NY or in the Pentagon, my heart broke.

How could this happen? We are the greatest, strongest, most caring country in the world. Why would someone want to do this? Why would someone want to kill almost 3,000 hard working innocent Americans? So many questions that day and the days that followed, with no answers in sight.

We have seen the faces and heard some of the voices of those who lost their lives that day. We have seen the faces and heard the voices of some of the hero's. We have seen the photos and film coverage of the death and destruction that occurred. We have seen the faces of those who were there and those family members left behind to wonder about the fate of those lost in the rubble and those who were left behind to mourn their loss.

On September 11, 2001, our country came together like never before. Many of us felt helpless. On that day and the days that followed, we put aside our differences. We became one Nation under God again. We were no longer strangers. We helped anyway we could. If we were unable to help with the efforts in NY, or with the Red Cross, or any other organizations that were there to help, we prayed. We prayed for the families, for the loved ones, and for those who put themselves in harms way to recover anyone still alive, or, unfortunately any bodies that was in the rubble.

We said on that day that we will never forget. We will never forget the fact that our country was attacked on that day. But, have we forgotten the emotions we felt? Do we still stand with strangers in their time of need as we did on that day?

We are American Citizens. We are strong and proud. We should never forget that, and we should stand tall. For anyone who wishes to do harm to our country, I say to you, You cannot destroy this country. You cannot destroy the citizens of American. You cannot break us. If you don't like us, don't come here. If you are here and you don't like our country....LEAVE!

We may be divided by politics, but, we will never be divided as a country and a Nation. Take time out of your day today and help someone in need. Take time out to show your family and friends how much you care for them.

Other countries no longer see us as a strong and powerful country. As stated in this article “The country is at war with itself. It has a Congress where there is perpetual conflict between the right and the left -- and where they don't even want to talk to each other when the threat of a national bankruptcy looms.
Like no other country, the US became great because of its openness. Now, it has become distrustful, fearful and defensive -- against Muslims, against foreigners, against anyone who is different. Citizen militias hunt down illegal immigrants, and many people can still not accept having a black president in the White House.
"American exceptional ism" was always the US's trump card. The new candidates for the White House still refer to it in the election campaign, but it sounds like a hollow mantra -- one of those election promises that shouldn't be examined too closely.”  Read the story here.

Is this how we want others to see our country? Or do we want other countries to see us as a great and powerful country? The answer lies with each of us, and it is up to us to show the world how great a country we truly are.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Obama's speech

On Thursday September 8, 2011, Obama addressed the Nation about his plan for the future.  Something sounded familiar to me, so, I begin looking into other speeches Obama has made in the past.   

In his speech he stated; "The purpose of the American Jobs Act is simple:  to put more people back to work and more money in the pockets of those who are working.  It will create more jobs for construction workers, more jobs for teachers, more jobs for veterans, and more jobs for the long-term unemployed.  It will provide a tax break for companies who hire new workers, and it will cut payroll taxes in half for every working American and every small business.  It will provide a jolt to an economy that has stalled, and give companies confidence that if they invest and hire, there will be customers for their products and services.  You should pass this jobs plan right away."

"Pass this jobs bill, and we can put people to work rebuilding America.  Everyone here knows that we have badly decaying roads and bridges all over this country.  Our highways are clogged with traffic.  Our skies are the most congested in the world."

In his 1st speech to a Joint Session of Congress, on February 24, 2009, he made the following statements: "Over the next two years, this plan will save or create 3.5 million jobs.  More than 90% of these jobs will be in the private sector – jobs rebuilding our roads and bridges; constructing wind turbines and solar panels; laying broadband and expanding mass transit.
Because of this plan, there are teachers who can now keep their jobs and educate our kids.  Health care professionals can continue caring for our sick.  There are 57 police officers who are still on the streets of Minneapolis tonight because this plan prevented the layoffs their department was about to make. 
Because of this plan, 95% of the working households in America will receive a tax cut -- a tax cut that you will see in your paychecks beginning on April 1st.
Because of this plan, families who are struggling to pay tuition costs will receive a $2,500 tax credit for all four years of college.  And Americans who have lost their jobs in this recession will be able to receive extended unemployment benefits and continued health care coverage to help them weather this storm."

After comparing these two speeches, all I can say is enough.  I've heard it all before. Remember the shovel ready jobs?  Where are the jobs?  Maybe, if the government got out of the way jobs will return.  If government mandates, rules, and regulations were less, maybe jobs would return.  Just get out of our way and let us do what we do best.... create jobs!

Read the full transcript of Obama's speech for September 8, 2011 you can find it here.

Read the full transcript of Obama's speech for February, 24, 2009 you can find it here.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Union influence in White House

In Obama's speech last night he said, "I reject the idea that we have to strip away collective bargaining rights to compete in a global economy."  Now this is no surprise to me.  As I have posted before, the Unions have power over Obama and this country. 

This has been obvious since 2008 when he spoke before SEIU and commented that he would "Paint the nation purple."  (SEIU colors)  He also said to SEIU members that he is "helping you organize to build more and more power."  Watch the video here.

According to Judicial Watch "As of July 2011, 1,472 one-year waivers and 106 three-year waivers were granted, covering some 3.4 million enrollees, more than half of which belong to unions. Yet, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, union members account for only about 12% of the total workforce.
Judicial Watch previously obtained documents from HHS regarding closed-door health care meetings between union officials and Vice President Joe Biden, HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and then-Obamacare Czar Nancy-Ann Min DeParle. The documents include a list of all of the labor union leaders who attended a meeting with President Obama, along with brief biographical information on each participant. The list includes: Richard Trumka, President of the AFL-CIO; Andy Stern, President of the Service Employees International Union; and Jim Hoffa, President of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, among other Big Labor leaders. The documents suggest that the key provisions of the Obamacare law were written solely to address the concerns of union interests."  Read the story here.

Now more and more reports are coming out about union strikes and the illegal activities, and the bully tactics that are associated with it.  According to this report, "One of the West Coast's most powerful trade unions is in a high-stakes fight over who runs a state-of-the-art grain terminal in southwest Washington. Allegations of "union busting" and "illegal activity" are at the heart of a conflict at the Port of Longview."

The story continues to say, "Union president Dan Coffman, "I look at it as they're trying to bust a union. Everybody knows the ILW is one of the strongest unions in the United States, and I believe the attack's on."
EGT argues that the union is blocking commerce that could boost the regional economy. EGT president Larry Clarke says the grain terminal is capable of processing up to nine million tons of grain a year. That's almost twice what the Port of Portland did last year."  Read the story here.

While this was going on Richard Trumka sat with Michelle Obama during the presidents speech  last night.  With all the influence the unions have over the White House makes me wonder whether we will all be forced to join a union in order to earn a living and provide for our family.  If we are not careful and are not observant as to what the unions and Obama is up to that is exactly what will happen..

Speaking of Obamacare, according to another report from Judicial Watch, "The director of the new agency created to oversee the government takeover of the nation’s healthcare system was the Chairman and Executive Officer of a Maryland company that cheated taxpayers out of more than $74 million in Medicaid overpayments."

The report also states, "When Larsen ran Amerigroup Maryland, the company was embroiled in a huge corruption scandal for billing Uncle Sam for medical services that about 90,000 low-income residents never received in the District of Columbia. Amerigroup was one of three healthcare contractors involved in the "$100 scheme", which was exposed in 2007 by D.C.’s Office of the Inspector General."  Read the report here.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Sharia law in the U.S. ?

Is it possible that Sharia Law is coming to our country?  Let's look at some things and you decide for yourself.

First, what is Sharia Law? According to this article, "Under Sharia law, the clothes you wear, music you listen to, and television you watch would all be censored. Behavior in public is legally restricted and controlled. And Sharia is the ideal social system for those that preach Radical Islam. Sharia is an Arabic term referring to a legal framework to regulate public and private aspects of life based upon specific Islamic teachings. Sharia is an intolerant system that threatens the western ideals of “liberty and justice for all”. Sharia views non-Muslims as second class citizens, sanctions inequality between men and women, prescribes cruel and unusual punishments for crimes, and promotes a restrictive business environment that strangles the freedoms of capitalism."
"The goal of Radical Islam is to undermine western society, by destroying individual rights and freedoms. Those promoting Sharia seek to institute laws that oppose the basic human rights observed within secular, liberal, and democratic western states.
The threat of Sharia has even begun to strike in the United States. Today you can find closed communities of Radical Muslims across the United States promoting Radical Islamic ideology and living under localized versions Sharia.
Furthermore, Radical Islam has infiltrated American Corrections Departments, as convicted criminals are being converted en masse to Islam, oftentimes by radical clergymen.
Due to the rapid population growth of Radical Islam in Europe, Sharia is already becoming a reality within specific regions. If we are not careful, we may soon find that aspects of Sharia have infiltrated deep into the heart of American society as well."

Now, when I read stories about Banning the Pledge of Alligence in school because it has no educational value.  Read the story here, and this story "A weekend of religious-themed observances at Washington National Cathedral marking the tenth anniversary of the September 11 terrorist attacks will include a Buddhist nun and an Imam, but not an evangelical Christian, leading the head of the Southern Baptist Convention to ask President Obama to reconsider attending the event."  Read the story here.  I see a pattern starting to develop here.  After all we have seen attacks on Christianity for years, but, why?

Maybe the reason for the attacks on Christianity is because it has been trying to infiltrate our country for years.  Why do I say that?  According to this article: "Infiltration of the federal government by members of the radical Muslim Brotherhood is worse than some have warned recently, says a former FBI special agent in Washington.
The agent confirmed that at least three operatives of the Egypt-based Brotherhood – whose credo is "Jihad is our way and death in the cause of Allah is our dream" – have penetrated the Obama administration.
The shocking charge was first leveled by Muslim reformer Tarek Fatah during a recent speech in Toronto.
"When someone says that there is penetration of jihadi Islamists within society, do not dismiss it as some right-wing, xenophobic, racist rant," warned Fatah, a Canadian journalist."  If you have the courage and the stomach, please read the article.

Notice the word worldwide. "Senior Official in Egyptian Islamic Jihad: If We Come to Power, We will Launch a Campaign of Islamic Conquests to Instate Shari'a Worldwide: 'The Christian is Free to Worship His God in His Church, but if the Christians Make Problems for the Muslims, I Will Exterminate Them'  Read more here.

One more piece to the puzzle.  In Dearborn, MI a few Christians wanted to hand out some religeous material outside an Arab Festival 2010.  Watch the video to see what happens to these young Christians.

Let's keep in mind that not all Muslims believe in Jihad or the destruction of Christians. Is Sharia Law coming to our country, or is it already here?


Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Get ready it's coming

Yesterday I wrote about the comments Hoffa made at the rally where Obama spoke to union members.  Today I read about comments that Hoffa made after his speech where he stated: “We didn’t start this war – the right wing did. My comments on Labor Day in Detroit echo the anger and frustration of American workers who are under attack by corporate-funded politicians who want to destroy the middle class,” Hoffa said. “We’re tired of seeing good-paying jobs shipped overseas. This fight is about the economy, it’s about jobs and it’s about rebuilding America. As I said yesterday in Detroit, we all have to vote in order to take these anti-worker politicians out of office.”   Read more of the story here.

In the book Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinsky he writes: " Enter the labor organizer or the agitator. He begins his “trouble making” by stirring up these angers, frustrations, and resentments, and highlighting specific issues or grievances that heighten controversy. He dramatizes the injustices by describing conditions at other industrial plants engaged in the same kind of work where the workers are far better off economically and have better working conditions, job security, health benefits, and pensions as well as other advantages that had not even been thought of by the workers he is trying to organize."

He also writes: "The organizer dedicated to changing the life of a particular community must first rub raw the resentments of the people of the community: fan the latent hostilities of many of the people to the point of overt expression. He must search out controversy and issues, rather than avoid them, for unless there is controversy people are not concerned enough to act."

In the book he has 11 rules listed pertaining to the ethics of means and ends.  His 3rd rule is "that in war the end justifies almost any means."  Now is the unions stirring up trouble, well, you be the judge.  Obama has made no comments on the remarks Hoffa made.

Back on January 12, 2011, Obama gave a eulogy for the shooting victims in Tuscon, Arizona where Gabriell Giffords was shot.  In that eulogy Obama made the statement: " Only a more civil and honest public discourse can help us face up to the challenges of our nation."  See the video here. 

Why isn't Obama speaking out against Hoffa's remarks?  Could it be that civil unrest is what he is hoping for?  Is it a political maneuver?  Will he speak up when the "U.S. day of rage occurs on September 17,2011?  What day of rage?  According to their website "The American Revolution is alive and well. It's a group of non-violent citizen nobodies who believe in the radical notion that Americans have a right to freedom of speech and the right to peaceable assembly, in deed the right to engage in politics through free and fair elections unsullied by disloyal, incompetent, and wasteful special interests that are destroying our democratic republic and preying on the resources and spirits of citizens."  The date for this day of rage is September 17,2011.  Read more about it here.

The website calls for non- violence, but, if you watch this video, you will see the truth of what the "Day of rage" is all about.  To say the least it does not in any way promote non-violence.  They call for a "Tahrir moment."  Let's not forget the death and destruction that this moment caused in Egypt.

Now there is an online game that promotes the killing of "Tea Party Zombies."  According to the reports: "A New York-based video game developer has set his virtual crosshairs on Republican and conservative political figures in a game called "Tea Party Zombies Must Die," which allows players to indiscriminately slaughter politicians like Michele Bachmann, Mike Huckabee and Sarah Palin."

"The gruesome game, created by StarvingEyes Advergaming, is billed as "first-person shooter" featuring "Tea Party zombies" to be targeted with an "arsenal of weapons," including multiple firearms and a crowbar. Notable politicians depicted in the game include current and previous presidential hopefuls like Palin, Bachmann, former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich and former U.S. Sen. Rick Santorum.  Several Fox News personalities are also featured, including Huckabee, Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity and Brit Hume."  Read the story here.

This is just pure irresponsibility on the part of our "President" not to speak out and condemn the actions of these people.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Obama and the unions

As I read and hear about the "union boss" Jimmy Hoffa making comments about the Tea Party and the Republicans it makes me wonder what he means.  He stated at the rally for Obama, "We got to keep an eye on the battle that we face: The war on workers. And you see it everywhere, it is the Tea Party. And you know, there is only one way to beat and win that war. The one thing about working people is we like a good fight. And you know what? They've got a war, they got a war with us and there's only going to be one winner. It's going to be the workers of Michigan, and America. We're going to win that war," Jimmy Hoffa said to a heavily union crowd.

"President Obama, this is your army. We are ready to march. Let's take these son of bitches out and give America back to an America where we belong," Hoffa added.
What kind of "War" is he referring to?  When he says "Let's take these son of bitches out..." what exactly does he mean?  Watch the video here.

When I hear our Vice President say at a AFL - CIO Rally  "Don't misunderstand what this is, don't misunderstand.. this is not a joke.... not a joke.  Not an applause line.  You are the only folks keeping the barbarians from the gates.  You are the only non-governmental power."  Watch the video here.  Well, Mr. Biden, I will not misunderstand what this is.

Now for Obama.  He makes a speech yesterday at the union rally where Jimmy Hoffa spoke, he says: "We’re going to see if we’ve got some straight shooters in Congress. We’re going to see if congressional Republicans will put country before party," he said. "We’ll give them a plan, and then we’ll say, do you want to create jobs? Then put our construction workers back to work rebuilding America. Do you want to help our companies succeed? Open up new markets for them to sell their products. You want -- you say you’re the party of tax cuts? Well then, prove you’ll fight just as hard for tax cuts for middle-class families as you do for oil companies and the most affluent Americans. Show us what you got."  Read the story and watch the video here.  By the way, the construction workers also have a union.   Maybe Obama needs to think about putting country before the unions. 

According to this article "Labor political spending is hardly negligible. During the 2007-08 election cycle (i.e., the most recent cycle involving a presidential election), unions and their political action committees spent about $400 million on preferred candidates and party organizations. This figure does not even include various in-kind expenditures such as phone banks, mass mailings, media advertising and voter education projects. Most of this money flows into Democratic coffers".:  Read the story here.

As I have mentioned before, The labor unions and their bosses are close to Obama.  Who is Obama looking out for?  The unions get more "power", which means they will be able to control workers.  They have political power now.  All the unions want is power and money.

Obama on Labor Day

Today is Labor Day.  How is Barack Obama spending his day?  Well, "President Barack Obama is celebrating Labor Day in Detroit, previewing his ideas for job creation and economic growth at a rally with thousands of supportive labor union members."

"In Detroit on Monday, Obama was also expected to tout his efforts to save the auto industry and millions of jobs by providing federal bailouts in 2009 for General Motors Corp. and Chrysler Group LLC. The AFL-CIO rally was being held in a GM parking lot."  Read the story here.

Let's take a look at the unions.  Obama is a big supporter of SEIU.  He has stated in this video his support for SEIU.  Comments he made: "Helping you organize to build more and more power." "Paint the nation purple."

According to Wikipedia, "Andrew L. "Andy" Stern (born November 22, 1950), is the former president [7] [8] of the 2.2 million-member Service Employees International Union (SEIU), the fastest-growing union in the Americas. SEIU is the second largest union in the United States and Canada after the National Education Association.[9][10] Stern was elected in 1996 to succeed John Sweeney. Stern is intent upon influencing federal legislation that helps revitalize the labor movement through universal health care, expanding union ranks via the Employee Free Choice Act,[11] stronger regulations on business, profit sharing for employees, higher taxes, and efforts consistent with the improvement of the lives of workers.[12]

Andy Stern is also known for his comment "If we can't use the power of persuasion, we will use the persuasion of power."  See the video here.  Andy Stern is a frequent visitor to Obama.  You can read more on Andy Stern here.

Let's take a look at some other Unions.  The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) filed a complaint against the Boeing Co. for OPENING a new plant in South Carolina., which is a "right to work state".  

According to this article,  "The Obama National Labor Relations Board moved to eliminate secret ballot election protections this week. The NLRB removed barriers that enabled workers to protect themselves from union bosses’ bullying and coercive tactics."
Also in this article, "What union bosses often neglect to tell workers is that if enough workers sign cards, there’s no need for an election. They’d already be unionized."

In this article, "The same week the Obama Administration announced it was making an effort to scale back burdensome rules on small businesses, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), the federal government’s labor union advocate, demonstrated an unprecedented overreach of its authority today by issuing a punitive new rule requiring all private-sector employers to post a notice in their business informing employees of their rights under the National Labor Relations Act."

Now, I'm sure there are some good unions out there and there are some good people in those unions.  Rob Chanin, who is the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), General Council makes comments like, "It's not about kids, it's about power" that is a problem for me.  Watch the video here.  Our children need correct education and teachers who care.  Have you watched Jay Leno's "Jaywalking" lately?  It is such an embarrasement to see young adults who have no idea about our history, but, yet they know about the current fads and musicians.

When I see and hear about how the unions protest, it makes me wonder why people wonder how our kids learned to be bullies.  Adults should act with diginity and respect for others.  Adults should not bully other adults.  America is known to be a "kind and gentle nation". 

Saturday, September 3, 2011

The Black Panthers

I read an article today that stated; "Outraged by the bloodshed from multiple shootings at a birthday party in Brooklyn on Sunday night and at an apartment complex in New Town on Tuesday afternoon, the New Black Panther Party spoke out Wednesday, calling for an end to the violence."  Read the story here.

I find it very interesting and concerning at the same time.  You have the Congressional Black Caucus calling Tea Party members racist.  Granted, most Tea Party members are white, but, there are also blacks that are members. Watch the video.
Congressional Black Causus on "Racist Tea Party"

Also the Black Panther leader, King Samir Shabazz, does not hesitate to say that "he hates white people".  He even calls for their deaths.  We also have this "leader" showing other Black Panther members how to fight with guns and machetes.  Watch the videos.  Black Panther leader.  Black Survival Part 1 Black Survival Part 2  Black Survival Part 3.

I have written about being prepared many times in my blog.  I can't stress enough how much I believe that we should prepare ourselves for anything and hope for the best.  No one has a crystal ball to see what the future holds, including me, but, if you look at all the pieces to the puzzle you will see things beginning to take shape.  We should not rely on our government to take care and protect us.  That is our constitutional right, and we should be the ones that look out for ourselves, our family, and our property.

The Black Panthers are not the only ones we must look out for, but, for terrorist coming over here. "According to a report in Italy's respected Corriere della Sera Wednesday, three Hezbollah terrorists operating out of Mexico have left that country to establish a permanent "bridgehead" to the communist island, calling their clandestine operation "The Caribbean Dossier."

"Twenty-three other terrorists from the Iran-linked terror group are expected to join the operation, which has a startup budget of more than $500,000. Corriere reported that the mission in Cuba is to provide logistical support for upcoming terrorist attacks planned in the hemisphere."  Read the article here.

I urge you to watch the videos and judge for yourself.  The Black Panthers are preparing.  Are you?

Friday, September 2, 2011

Maxine Waters at it again

Today I read an article where Maxine Waters stated "It's time for the bully pulpit of the White House to bring the gangstas in, put them around the table and let them know that if they don't come up with loan modifications and keep people in their homes that they've worked so hard for, we're gonna tax them out of business," Waters said at an event in Los Angeles."  You can read the article here.

This just goes to show just how out of touch our politicians are.  Let's take a look at who is responsible for the housing crisis.  According to this article,  "The proposals of Acorn and other affordable-housing advocacy groups were acceptable to Fannie. Fannie had been planning to use the carrot of affordable-housing lending to maintain its hold over Congress and stave off its efforts to impose a strong safety and soundness regulator to oversee the company. (It was not until 2008 that a strong regulator was created for Fannie and Freddie. A little over a month later both GSEs were placed into conservatorship; they have requested a combined $112 billion in assistance from the federal government, and much more will be needed over the next few years.)"  HELLO! Our government is responsible for the mess with the housing problem.
Now there are reports that say "the U.S. government is planning to sue some of the country's largest banks over mortgage-backed securities they sold that lost value in the housing market collapse, alleging they misclassified their quality".  Read the article here.
Personally, I think before the government sues anybody, which will end up costing US more money, they should clean up their own house.  The politicians involved should be held accountable, in my opinion.  Barney "Frank had championed housing for America's poor for four decades, but he gained the chance to leave his biggest mark in 2007 when he became chairman of the House Financial Services Committee. He dreamed of tapping into the riches of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac - at the time, both fabulously successful mortgage finance companies - to help pay for the construction of thousands of affordable apartments."  Read more on that here.
Let's look at the history of Fannie Mae according to Wikipedia: "The Federal National Mortgage Association (FNMA), colloquially known as Fannie Mae, was established in 1938 by amendments to the National Housing Act[6] after the Great Depression as part of Franklin Delano Roosevelt's New Deal. Fannie Mae was established to provide local banks with federal money to finance home mortgages in an attempt to raise levels of home ownership and the availability of affordable housing.[7] "
"In 1992, President George H.W. Bush signed the Housing and Community Development Act of 1992. The Act amended the charter of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to reflect Congress' view that the GSEs "have an affirmative obligation to facilitate the financing of affordable housing for low-income and moderate-income families."[15] For the first time, the GSEs were required to meet "affordable housing goals" set annually by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and approved by Congress. The initial annual goal for low-income and moderate-income mortgage purchases for each GSE was 30% of the total number of dwelling units financed by mortgage purchases[16] and increased to 55% by 2007."

"In 1999, Fannie Mae came under pressure from the Clinton administration to expand mortgage loans to low and moderate income borrowers by increasing the ratios of their loan portfolios in distressed inner city areas designated in the CRA of 1977.[17] Because of the increased ratio requirements, institutions in the primary mortgage market pressed Fannie Mae to ease credit requirements on the mortgages it was willing to purchase, enabling them to make loans to subprime borrowers at interest rates higher than conventional loans. Shareholders also pressured Fannie Mae to maintain its record profits.[17]"  

Why aren't heads rolling in Washington?   Could it be that they can't "police" themselves because of the "power" they hold?  Any politician who is this out of touch should not be in Washington.  Clean up your own house before asking the taxpayers to pay for your mistakes.  Stand up and take it like a man or woman should.  Just because you are a politician shouldn't mean you are above the law.  Our government will never clean up their house.  It is up to us.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Civil Unrest in America?

Back on August 4, 2011, Al Gore called for an "American Spring". According to the article, which you can read here, Al Gore made the following statement:“We need to have an American spring,” Gore said. “You know, the Arab Spring—the nonviolent part of it isn’t finished yet—but we need to have an American Spring, a kind of an American Tahrir Square. Non-violent change, where people from the grassroots get involved again.”  We've seen these "springs" and they are a far crime from being non-violent.

Why is this important?  According to this article, which you can read here, it states the following: "Another important form of Islamic radicalism in Europe is associated with the Hizb ut-Tahrir movement. Hizb ut-Tahrir (or “Party of Liberation”) is frequently equated with jihadism despite being different from the violent radical groups in terms of its organizational structure, methods and public profile. Founded in the Middle East in the early 1950s as an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood, the group seeks to re-establish the caliphate, or “golden age” of Islamic rule, through political means. To this end, its followers reject both the nation-state as a political institution and democracy as a political system."

According to Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals", he states in his book:  "Any revolutionary change must be preceded by a passive, affirmative, non-challenging attitude toward change among the mass of our people. They must feel so frustrated, so defeated, so lost, so future less in the prevailing system that they are willing to let go of the past and chance the future. To bring on this reformation requires that the organizer work inside the system....". 

Why do I think Civil unrest is coming?  Why do I think that we may see, here in our country, the same things we have seen in other countries, it is because I have seen and read about the methods they are implementing. Our politicians, and others, are trying to start a race war.  They are trying to agitate the "tea parties".

There are constant reports such as this article which states: "Members of the radical Congressional Black Caucus are now spewing hatred against TEA Party members by comparing their efforts to stabilize the US economy to ‘enacting Jim Crow laws’ and ’seeing us [blacks] hanging on a tree’!"  You can read the story here.

Every time anyone goes against Obama, the race card is played.  Or, in this case, afraid Obama might loose the election, they are attacked.  We have seen it many times.  According to this article: "Last week, liberal pundits charged Perry with racism, offering no evidence or falsified evidence. While the baseless racism charges surfaced on MSNBC, they might have originated in the Obama campaign."  Read the story here.

What does all this have to do with Civil unrest coming to America?  There are many reports of "protest" that will be taking place in the coming months.  I hope and pray that this does not happen.  Don't be fooled by their "non-violent" protest.  Let's be honest here.  Have you ever seen anyone that uses the communist or socialist symbol be "non-violent"?  You should be prepared for what is to come.

There are plans for September 17, "Anonymous is planning a protest in New York City next month that will culminate with a sit-in on Wall Street. Similar protests are being prepared in big cities around the world.
The new campaign was announced from Anonymous' AnonOps Twitter account which linked to a poster that reads: "#OCCUPYWALLSTREET September 17th. Bring tent."  Read the story here.

There are also reports of events on October 6. "We call on people of conscience and courage—all who seek peace, economic justice, human rights and a healthy environment—to join together in Washington, D.C., beginning on Oct. 6, 2011, in nonviolent resistance similar to the Arab Spring and the Midwest awakening."  Read about it here.  If you notice this organization is wanting to "Create a new world".  Also you will notice the symbol for socialism on their website.

This is a dream of George Soros...A one World Order.  Do not be fooled.  These events will not be non-violent.  Times are changing and we must be prepared and hope for the best.