Monday, September 26, 2011

Thoughts on the Day of Rage

I've been watching the live feed, for several days trying to figure out exactly what they stand for.  I read many of the comments on chat and the post that people made about "revolution" was "corrected" by the moderators.  The moderators would say that this is not a Revolution.  I think that is interesting considering their live feed is called "Global Revolution".

On Saturday, the protesters had clashes with the Police and reportedly, there was over 80 arrests made.  With the people that are involved with "Occupy Wall Street", calling for help from the Unions, and yesterday they interviewed a person from "Code Pink", I feel like their fight is not going to turn out the way they want it.

It is my opinion that they have not done their homework well enough.  With "Code Pink" involved, which is a leftest group, it makes me feel more and more as though the protestors don't really realize what they have gotten themselves into.  Code Pink does not have a peaceful reputation.  If the Unions get involved, with their reputation of violence, things will not turn out well.  The protestors have said they wanted a "peaceful protest". Don't they know what will happen with Code Pink and the Unions involvement?

I don't know if the protestors have thought things out.  What type of system do they hope to have by doing the protests?  Have they really thought this out?  As I have been told many, many times in my life, "Be careful what you wish for."

I heard a protestor ask where the Tea Partiers are.  It is real simple.  The Tea Party is not a Left movement.  They know what they want, they did their research.  Many of the Tea Party members know what the outcome would be if the Constitution was honored, as it should be.  They know what it would be like if the government were smaller and not involved with our every day life.  Many of the Tea Party members know what common sense is and they know how to apply it.   Most know their history.

Unfortunately, some of what these protesters want, means more government involvement, not less.  They say they want their rights and freedoms restored, but, with single payer insurance, for example, this means more government involvement.  They will have less rights and less freedoms.

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