Thursday, September 1, 2011

Civil Unrest in America?

Back on August 4, 2011, Al Gore called for an "American Spring". According to the article, which you can read here, Al Gore made the following statement:“We need to have an American spring,” Gore said. “You know, the Arab Spring—the nonviolent part of it isn’t finished yet—but we need to have an American Spring, a kind of an American Tahrir Square. Non-violent change, where people from the grassroots get involved again.”  We've seen these "springs" and they are a far crime from being non-violent.

Why is this important?  According to this article, which you can read here, it states the following: "Another important form of Islamic radicalism in Europe is associated with the Hizb ut-Tahrir movement. Hizb ut-Tahrir (or “Party of Liberation”) is frequently equated with jihadism despite being different from the violent radical groups in terms of its organizational structure, methods and public profile. Founded in the Middle East in the early 1950s as an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood, the group seeks to re-establish the caliphate, or “golden age” of Islamic rule, through political means. To this end, its followers reject both the nation-state as a political institution and democracy as a political system."

According to Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals", he states in his book:  "Any revolutionary change must be preceded by a passive, affirmative, non-challenging attitude toward change among the mass of our people. They must feel so frustrated, so defeated, so lost, so future less in the prevailing system that they are willing to let go of the past and chance the future. To bring on this reformation requires that the organizer work inside the system....". 

Why do I think Civil unrest is coming?  Why do I think that we may see, here in our country, the same things we have seen in other countries, it is because I have seen and read about the methods they are implementing. Our politicians, and others, are trying to start a race war.  They are trying to agitate the "tea parties".

There are constant reports such as this article which states: "Members of the radical Congressional Black Caucus are now spewing hatred against TEA Party members by comparing their efforts to stabilize the US economy to ‘enacting Jim Crow laws’ and ’seeing us [blacks] hanging on a tree’!"  You can read the story here.

Every time anyone goes against Obama, the race card is played.  Or, in this case, afraid Obama might loose the election, they are attacked.  We have seen it many times.  According to this article: "Last week, liberal pundits charged Perry with racism, offering no evidence or falsified evidence. While the baseless racism charges surfaced on MSNBC, they might have originated in the Obama campaign."  Read the story here.

What does all this have to do with Civil unrest coming to America?  There are many reports of "protest" that will be taking place in the coming months.  I hope and pray that this does not happen.  Don't be fooled by their "non-violent" protest.  Let's be honest here.  Have you ever seen anyone that uses the communist or socialist symbol be "non-violent"?  You should be prepared for what is to come.

There are plans for September 17, "Anonymous is planning a protest in New York City next month that will culminate with a sit-in on Wall Street. Similar protests are being prepared in big cities around the world.
The new campaign was announced from Anonymous' AnonOps Twitter account which linked to a poster that reads: "#OCCUPYWALLSTREET September 17th. Bring tent."  Read the story here.

There are also reports of events on October 6. "We call on people of conscience and courage—all who seek peace, economic justice, human rights and a healthy environment—to join together in Washington, D.C., beginning on Oct. 6, 2011, in nonviolent resistance similar to the Arab Spring and the Midwest awakening."  Read about it here.  If you notice this organization is wanting to "Create a new world".  Also you will notice the symbol for socialism on their website.

This is a dream of George Soros...A one World Order.  Do not be fooled.  These events will not be non-violent.  Times are changing and we must be prepared and hope for the best.

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