Sunday, September 11, 2011

Reflections .... 10 years later

Like so many Americans today, I remember where and what I was doing at the time the news broke of the attacks on our country. As like many of us, I sat in disbelief of what was happening. I stared at the TV in shock and felt sick to my stomach. Even though, I have never been to NY nor did I know of anyone who lived or worked in NY or in the Pentagon, my heart broke.

How could this happen? We are the greatest, strongest, most caring country in the world. Why would someone want to do this? Why would someone want to kill almost 3,000 hard working innocent Americans? So many questions that day and the days that followed, with no answers in sight.

We have seen the faces and heard some of the voices of those who lost their lives that day. We have seen the faces and heard the voices of some of the hero's. We have seen the photos and film coverage of the death and destruction that occurred. We have seen the faces of those who were there and those family members left behind to wonder about the fate of those lost in the rubble and those who were left behind to mourn their loss.

On September 11, 2001, our country came together like never before. Many of us felt helpless. On that day and the days that followed, we put aside our differences. We became one Nation under God again. We were no longer strangers. We helped anyway we could. If we were unable to help with the efforts in NY, or with the Red Cross, or any other organizations that were there to help, we prayed. We prayed for the families, for the loved ones, and for those who put themselves in harms way to recover anyone still alive, or, unfortunately any bodies that was in the rubble.

We said on that day that we will never forget. We will never forget the fact that our country was attacked on that day. But, have we forgotten the emotions we felt? Do we still stand with strangers in their time of need as we did on that day?

We are American Citizens. We are strong and proud. We should never forget that, and we should stand tall. For anyone who wishes to do harm to our country, I say to you, You cannot destroy this country. You cannot destroy the citizens of American. You cannot break us. If you don't like us, don't come here. If you are here and you don't like our country....LEAVE!

We may be divided by politics, but, we will never be divided as a country and a Nation. Take time out of your day today and help someone in need. Take time out to show your family and friends how much you care for them.

Other countries no longer see us as a strong and powerful country. As stated in this article “The country is at war with itself. It has a Congress where there is perpetual conflict between the right and the left -- and where they don't even want to talk to each other when the threat of a national bankruptcy looms.
Like no other country, the US became great because of its openness. Now, it has become distrustful, fearful and defensive -- against Muslims, against foreigners, against anyone who is different. Citizen militias hunt down illegal immigrants, and many people can still not accept having a black president in the White House.
"American exceptional ism" was always the US's trump card. The new candidates for the White House still refer to it in the election campaign, but it sounds like a hollow mantra -- one of those election promises that shouldn't be examined too closely.”  Read the story here.

Is this how we want others to see our country? Or do we want other countries to see us as a great and powerful country? The answer lies with each of us, and it is up to us to show the world how great a country we truly are.

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