Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Immigration and Amnesty

Today I read a story Justice Department Sues Alabama Over Controversial Immigration Law Read more: http://www.Justice Department sues Alabama over controversial Immigration Law . Now don't get me wrong I have nothing against Immigrants.  After all this country was founded by immigrants.  Much of what we have today is due to the inventions that immigrants brought to this country when this country was first founded, and immigrants that have come over since.

I think that when President Regan granted Amnesty to the illegal immigrants he may have felt it was the right thing to do and that hopefully it would stop immigrants from coming into this country illegally.  Unfortunately, that was not the case.  Since President Regan granted the amnesty for illegals it only made things worse.  I can and do understand why people from other countries want to come here.  They see a chance for freedom and opportunities they do not have in their country.  Reminds me a lot of how this country was started.

Today, we have more illegal immigrants that ever before.  Our Federal government is suppose to enforce the laws that they pass.  Unfortunately, this law has not been enforced for many, many years.  Now many States are fighting illegal immigrants who have no problem in coming into this country and taking the lives of U.S. citizens.  Our Government sits idly by and allows our citizens to be killed.  I applaud any state that is trying to keep their citizens safe.   Instead of suing the states for trying to protect their citizens, our government should be helping them.  The money it cost to sue these states could be put to better use.  What part of ILLEGAL does our government not understand?

Let the immigrants come to this country, just let them do it legally.  We will welcome them, as we have welcomed all the immigrants that have come into this country legally.

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